Build Experiences & Discover Your Career Interests
Feeling uncertain about your future career?
Not Sure What I am Interested in Doing
- Take an interest assessment to learn about your personality and work preference
- Reflect on your past experiences to identify your strengths and skills that you enjoy using
- Learn more from Understand Yourself
No Idea What I Can Do with My Major
- Get a list of your career options by browsing O*Net data portal with your interests, skills, and abilities
- Get inspirations from graduates' destinations from Illini Success Report
- Learn more from Know Your Options
- See what stage you are at:
- Have not decided a career yet? Explore your interests and options!
- Have a rough idea but not sure? Get some experience to see if you like it (e.g. internship, research, project, volunteer, informational interview, etc.)!
- Have a career goal but not sure how to find intern/job? Read more about Job Search Strategies
- Not sure if graduate school is an option for you? Learn more about Graduate School Application
- Or, simply schedule an appointment with ECS advisor to discuss your next steps!
The Pyramid of Career Decision-Making
• Gather self knowledge and options knowledge to lay the foundation
• Make a decision based on the information you collected about yourself and options
• Execute action plans and further gather information while you are taking actions
Steps to Your Career Decision-Making
- Start your career exploration with understanding yourself and options
- Once you have an idea of your preferences and potential options, follow the steps to reach your career goal:
1. Make a list of your options2. Prioritize your options3. Develop an individual learning plan4. Execute the plan & reflect on experiences
- Need guidance in following the steps? Access Career Exploration Handout