When you receive an offer, have an idea of Illinois offer guidelines to ensure that you have enough time to make an informed decision about your internship or job offer.
* Please note that due to COVID-19, the job market may be negatively impacted. The decision to accept an offer or proceed with an accepted offer must be carefully considered in light of the current situation. ECS is available to help navigate these extraordinary circumstances. If you are seeking academic credit for your internship, we strongly encourage you to consult with your academic advisor and/or college for guidance.
Offers resulting from | For | Should not expire before |
Summer Internships or Co-ops | Internship offers resulting from summer programs or previous internship/co-op OR full-time conversion offers resulting from internship/co-op employment. | Offer should remain open for a minimum of 3 weeks after start of subsequent academic term or 3 weeks after the offer is made, whichever comes later. |
Fall Interviews (June 1 - December 31) | Full-time, internship, or co-op offers |
Spring Interviews (January 1 - May 31) | Full-time, internship, or co-op offers |
Fall campus interviewing peaks in early to mid-October. Spring campus interviewing peaks in late February to early March. These guidelines ensure that students can complete most of the interview process without undue pressure, and may result in fewer deadline conflicts and reneges.
If you are unable to follow these guidelines, please support student development and successful outcomes by providing open communication and reasonable extensions based on individual circumstances and the information listed above.
Next Steps?
Schedule an Appointment
Discuss your concerns, questions, or findings with a career advisor.
Hire Illini Policies
Learn more about the University of Illinois Recruiting Principles and Guidelines
Communicate Professionally
Learn how to write professional emails to ask for extension, accept an offer, or decline.